Manifesto Multilinko
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Saturday, April 02, 2005
sin city

I watched Sin City.
It kinda freaked me out.
It is very dark.

I expect if you liked the comic book you will like it a lot.

Friday, April 01, 2005

I made it to page 500 of The Once and Future King, but that's enough for me (there are about 130 pages left to go).

I liked The Sword in the Stone, and presumably the earlier version would be even better. After that it turns into White's thoughts about Might vs. Right and then the long long long long tale of Lancelot, Arthur, Guenever and God, the Eternal quadrangle.

Recently on the projector I've watched The Neverending Story and First Contact.
Projector good.
In case you're wondering, the image is 55 inches wide (4'7"). You can Google it into metric (my tape measure is inexplicably Imperial).

A while a go I went to see Funny Money at the Ottawa Little Theatre. It was ok, but very British farce. The Brits find very funny situations which pile absurdity and embarassment higher and higher, like in the movie Clockwise. Doesn't do so much for me. Would have been ok if they had stopped at the intermission curtain.

bloggin it Doogie style

So the buzz is that Doogie was an early blogger, what with his computer journal and all.

So there is, I am not making this up, a contest

Remember how each Doogie episode ended? Doogie downloaded what he had learned (the moral of the story) into his computer journal. Now it's your chance to be in Doogie's shoes and write a journal entry for him. Your entry could win you one of 11 fabulous Grand Prize trips to the 2005 Emmy Awards in Hollywood.

* On the picture of Doogie's computer, select a "Lost Year" from 1994 to 2004 to write your journal entry for Doogie.
* Think of what Doogie would have written to summarize any event, lesson learned or personal reflection from that year.
* Make your journal entry from Doogie's point of view, using the style he used when he wrote his own entries on the show.

Yes, it's open to Canadians.

For some reason, the only blog entries I can think of for him have him slowly turning into a bitter, lonely old man as his glory genius years fade behind him.

Google Maps, for the JavaScript security obsessed

Google Maps will only work in Firefox if you have Web Features - JavaScript - Change Images turned ON. (It's on by default, but I always go in and turn all the advanced settings off.)

oh bother - now they tell me - book revisions

Wikipedia reports

The Sword in The Stone by T. H. White, the first book of The Once and Future King, is a novel about a young boy named Wart (who, as we suspect all along, but only find out for sure at the end, is actually the future King Arthur) who befriends a magician named Merlyn. It was published in 1938. ...

The version appearing in 1959 in the tetralogy was substantially revised, partly to incorporate events and themes that White had originally intended to cover in a fifth volume (which was finally published after his death, as The Book of Merlyn). To this end, the revised version includes several new sequences and leaves out some of the sequences that had appeared in the original (notably the sequence that was the basis of the Mad Madam Mim scenes in the Disney film).

However, the consensus of critical opinion is that the revised version was actually inferior to the original. Publishers have more recently gone back to using the original version, at least when it is published independently of the tetralogy.


A BBC radio adaptation in 1982 starred Michael Hordern as Merlyn. Hordern had already starred as another great literary wizard, Tolkien's Gandalf, in the BBC's Lord of the Rings (1981).

I read the revised version.

blog template updated

I added valign="top" to both the blog and archive templates, so the content should now always show at the top of the page, please let me know if there are any problems.

(Previously if there were only a few postings you wouldn't see them, because they were vertically centred on the page.)

the hub of... donairs?

Mintyfresh reports

I just totally ordered a pile of donairs from Truro to be delivered to my office tomorrow.


They were Fedexed overnight on our account.

... we ordered from Damascus. There was some interoffice debate about Damascus vs. Sam’s, but Damascus won. They were speedy too. And awesome.

Previously about Truro:
2003-03-17 Everything you need to know
2001-10-08 Welcome (slow to load)
2001-07-31 at the races

Thursday, March 31, 2005
world o' photo site news

Flickr partnered with EZprints for photos
(Flickr Selects EZ Prints to Provide Fulfillment of Photo Printing)

Buying photos doesn't seem to be turned on, and may perhaps be affected by the fact that after that announcement, Yahoo bought Flickr

I don't have much there, but anyway - my Flickr photos:

Kodak changed Ofoto to be Kodak Gallery

I have albums in Ofoto going back to 2000.
Here's one of Halifax Public Gardens and area from 2001.

HP bought Snapfish

Photoworks bought the highly regarded PhotoAccess

I will update my digiphoto page accordingly.