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Friday, April 01, 2005
bloggin it Doogie style

So the buzz is that Doogie was an early blogger, what with his computer journal and all.

So there is, I am not making this up, a contest

Remember how each Doogie episode ended? Doogie downloaded what he had learned (the moral of the story) into his computer journal. Now it's your chance to be in Doogie's shoes and write a journal entry for him. Your entry could win you one of 11 fabulous Grand Prize trips to the 2005 Emmy Awards in Hollywood.

* On the picture of Doogie's computer, select a "Lost Year" from 1994 to 2004 to write your journal entry for Doogie.
* Think of what Doogie would have written to summarize any event, lesson learned or personal reflection from that year.
* Make your journal entry from Doogie's point of view, using the style he used when he wrote his own entries on the show.

Yes, it's open to Canadians.

For some reason, the only blog entries I can think of for him have him slowly turning into a bitter, lonely old man as his glory genius years fade behind him.