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Friday, November 04, 2011
Downtown Moves - Nov 1-3 Twitter archive
Below is the raw extract of tweets hashtagged #dottmo Context: - Downtown Moves (Downtown Ottawa Mobility Overlay Study) Most of them are from the Ken Greenberg talk, I have separated out earlier ones at the top. These are in oldest first order. (In case you're wondering how I did this, I took the Excel version of the Twitter archive I made, and sorted by ascending TweetID. then copied the text.) Where the tweets are in order, just from me and the date is the same, I have removed my Twitter handle (@rakerman) and the time stamp. Tweets from before Ken Greenberg's talk@rakerman2011-11-01T11:15:54-04:00 questions: how Centretown Design #ccdp2011 Mobility relates to Downtown Moves #dottmo & Sidewalk Summit #ssdh #ottcity I'm proposing #dottmo for Downtown Moves (hashtag = Downtown OTTawa MObility/MOves/Mobility Overlay) #ottcity @rakerman 2011-11-02T20:29:26-04:00 @OTWPolitics I suggested hashtag #dottmo @rakerman 2011-11-03T06:02:53-04:00 I will be using hashtag #dottmo for Downtown Moves / Mobility Overlay #ottcity #dottmo MT @OTWPolitics: For those who can't make it to City Hall tonight, Ken Greenberg's talking urban rejuvenation on @CBCOttawa @Centretowner 2011-11-03T08:19:33-04:00 RT @rakerman: I will be using hashtag #dottmo for Downtown Moves / Mobility Overlay #ottcity @Centretowner 2011-11-03T09:10:47-04:00 Anyone else tweeting from Downtown Moves talk by Andrew Wiley-Schwartz? #Ottcity #dottmo #ottbike @Centretowner 2011-11-03T09:12:44-04:00 Coun. @marianne4kanata talking about making our roads safer, and @JimWatsonOttawa signing Int'l walking charter #dottmo @JimWatsonOttawa 2011-11-03T09:24:34-04:00 RT @Centretowner: Coun. @marianne4kanata talking about making our roads safer, and @JimWatsonOttawa signing Int'l walking charter #dottmo @lana_stewart 2011-11-03T09:35:37-04:00 @Centretowner @rakerman They talk the talk... but will they walk the walk?? #ottcity #dottmo @Centretowner 2011-11-03T09:39:06-04:00 AWS's #dottmo talk about what NYC did at Times Square reminds me of what #Ottcity did in the '60s with Sparks St Ken Greenberg spoke November 3, 2011 at 7pm at City Hall. Context: - Downtown Moves - Public Lecture Program Ken Greenberg's talk@rakerman2011-11-03T19:01:15-04:00 #dottmo just opening - Ken Greenberg talking about book #dottmo "we were swept up in a euphoria around the potential of the automobile" #dottmo 1939 World's Fair - GM exhibit - "it seemed like a good idea at the time" #dottmo "the hubris of that era... The automobile was at the heart of it" #dottmo Disney Magic Highway USA 1958 #dottmo the summary of the Disney film is people were out of their minds (about cars) in the 1950s #dottmo from walkable cities to car-oriented cities #dottmo Jane Jacobs vs Robert Moses #dottmo as walkability becomes the most desired, poor are pushed out of city centers into suburbs #dottmo (car-centic design) producing a pattern of living that is not sustainable #dottmo massive financial drag on economy related to congestion, long car travel times #dottmo website: dead malls (symptom of car-oriented design failing) #dottmo "the best way to solve mobility is through land use" #dottmo need mixed use buildings #dottmo Bank Street Ottawa transformation #dottmo how to handle new immigrants - they are now ending up in suburbs - disconnected, difficult to get around #dottmo (me: in part this is about the Arrival City idea) #dottmo showing transformation of NYC Times Square #dottmo Madrid has buried city-centre highways #dottmo new ways to get around - bike share, car share, phone as access/payment for all forms of transportation #dottmo showing a Complete Streets design #dottmo if kids can bike to school, that's a good indicator #dottmo urban design to percentage of pedestrians using the space - temporary or permanent pedestrianization of roadways #dottmo Hammarby Sjostad #dottmo the next big challenge: retrofitting suburbia #dottmo #ottcity is there a link for the Bank Street redesign Ken is talking about? #dottmo restructuring around subway stops coming to York U #dottmo Mississauga "looks like a city... But on the ground it's auto-oriented" #dottmo "at the heart of a sustainable future is gracefully making this transition" to a pedestrian/cyclist/transit city #dottmo civil society needs to support these changes #dottmo iterate solutions with teams of experts to solve complex urban design problems #dottmo big turnout, mailing list I can sign up for, but not at all clear how people can participate, not just receive broadcasts #ottcity #dottmo I guess Ken Greenberg was talking about: Bank Street Community Design Plan 1st I've heard of it. #ottcity #dottmo Here's the Disney Magic Highway video that Ken showed, demonstrating how crazy people were over cars in 1958 Further ReadingI think this is what the Mayor signed: The International Charter for - Ken Greenberg - Walking Home: The Life and Lessons of a City Builder LibraryThing - Walking Home: The Life and Lessons of a City Builder Wired 15.12 - The Original Futurama [GM 1939 World's Fair exhibit] Wikipedia - Jane Jacobs - The Death and Life of Great American Cities - Wrestling with Moses: How Jane Jacobs Took On New York's Master Builder and Transformed the American City LibraryThing - Wrestling with Moses: How Jane Jacobs Took On New York's Master Builder and Transformed the American City Arrival City: The Final Migration and the Next World US National Complete Streets Coalition Complete Streets Canada I would point you to a fantastic video of Jan Gehl talking in Ottawa about urban design, but the NCC reorganised their site and it has now disappeared. You can see his slidedeck but it's almost useless without his (very funny) narration. You can also follow the thread of blog postings back from Jan Gehl presentation about urban planning in Ottawa - October 6, 2010 but many of the links are now broken. ContactThere is a general contact address: downtownmoves@ottawa.caand the specific project manager is Nelson Edwards: There was a mailing list you could sign up for at the event; you can probably get on it by emailing them. Nelson said on the afternoon of the 3rd there was a 40-person discussion / working group, but I don't know who the members were or how the results will be presented. Also Greenberg's presentation was recorded in some form - I think video - there was mention of a "podcast" of it being posted. Previously: November 1, 2011 questions about downtown mobility [now with answers] Labels: centretown, dottmo, downtown mobility, downtown moves, links to presentations, ottawa, presentation notes HOME - |