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Saturday, October 09, 2010
Jan Gehl in Ottawa

Here's a transcript of my tweets about Jan Gehl's presentation on October 6, 2010.

Although it was promoted by the NCC as part of their bicycling planning (Cycling as Part of Urban Living: Public Presentation), he actually talked about the history of urban planning and related disciplines, and the thinking he has developed that led to his new book Cities for People (there were supposed to be copies of the book for him to sign, but they weren't there due to some snafu).

They were filming it, I hope they put it online. The NCC seems a bit social media challenged (no Twitter feed, no blog, no videos - not even a place online where you can sign up for a mailing list).

The first tweet was 6:58 PM Oct 6th, 2010 and the last one was 8:51 PM Oct 6th.
Other people tweeted as well, but they weren't using a hashtag.

Tweets from my account @rakerman:

at @MuseumOfNature for NCC Jan Gehl event. in absence of info I declare tag to be #nccgehl - good turnout.

Cities for People #nccgehl

cool to see such a good turnout in #Ottawa to hear Jan Gehl speak #nccgehl

Wikipedia - Jan Gehl #nccgehl

Mayor of Gatineau is here #nccgehl

standing room only #nccgehl

new #NCC 50-year city vision plan will include urban mobility component #Ottawa #nccgehl

Jan Gehl talking about importance of human-scale space #nccgehl

Jan Gehl's book Cities for People #nccgehl

"a good city is like a good party" - Jan Gehl #nccgehl

Jan Gehl is funny #nccgehl

Jan Gehl talking about his training 50 years ago - modernism - must always separate zones - cities bad #nccgehl

Jan Gehl talking about Le Corbusier #nccgehl

from very slow development concerned for people to very fast building around 1960 #nccgehl

big scale "professional" urban planners car invasion circa 1955 #nccgehl

cars arrived in cities like a tsunami circa 1955 - Jan Gehl #nccgehl

started thinking purpose of city planning was making room for cars #nccgehl

Gehl cites Jane Jacobs #nccgehl

"the Brasilia Syndrome" - city planning from 5km above the ground - technocratic #nccgehl

from the airplane Brasilia looks smashing - Jan Gehl #nccgehl

Brasilia completely ignored human scale - at human level it's "shit" - Jan Gehl (yes he said shit) #nccgehl

planners didn't help... #nccgehl

... but architects also became obsessed with form over function #nccgehl

Gehl has lots of criticism for "buildings dropped from the sky" architecture in Dubai #nccgehl

now we come to traffic planners - Jan Gehl #nccgehl - their purpose was to make cars happy

cities have traffic departments with wonderful statistics #nccgehl - cars very visible in planning process

landscape architects at least are working at eye level - but not so interested in function #nccgehl

who is left to look at the human dimension? #nccgehl

pedestrians tend to be invisible in city planning #nccgehl

Gehl flagging architectural renderings that show spaces full of happy people #nccgehl

Gehl is hilarious #nccgehl

the most important scale of all is People Scale - eye level at 5km/h #nccgehl

more and more private space lost public space #nccgehl

the number 1 attraction in cities is other people #nccgehl

Jan Gehl talking about about Copenhagenizing New York #nccgehl

300km of bicycle lanes added in New York in 2 years #nccgehl

I gave a standing ovation #nccgehl

Q about where funding came from. A bicycle infrastructure is cheap #nccgehl

Gehl talking about current cyclists in parts of North America : small percentage of cyclists high-speed cyclists on racing bikes #nccgehl

Thanks to TwapperKepper for the archive - I used Export to get the tweets into a spreadsheet so they would be in FIFO order.

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