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Saturday, June 12, 2010
Mid-Centretown presentations available

The presentations from the first Mid-Centretown Community Design Plan meeting are now available online:

* presentation slides (4.5 MB PDF) and information panels (24.2 MB PDF)

(from the official Mid-Centretown Tomorrow blog)

It's great to see the ongoing sharing of information through the blog.
Since the presentations are very rich in information about Mid-Centretown, obviously based on some great data sources, I've asked for the underlying data to be released as part of the City of Ottawa Open Data initiative.

I've posted my request to the blog, here's what I wrote:

It’s great to see the presentations posted – I wish I had been able to attend the first meeting.

To further open up the consultation, it would be great if the underlying data from the presentations (particularly the 3D model) could be released as part of Ottawa’s open data initiative

City of Ottawa – Open Data Ottawa

Opening the data would provide even more ways for the residents of the area to analyse and visualise Mid-Centretown.

I have also posted this idea to the DataOtt site – Mid-Centretown open data.

Note: there is also a French language URL but it just points to the same Mid-Centretown Tomorrow blog. They've translated Mid-Centretown as either «Le Centre-ville médian de demain» or «Mi-centreville de Demain».

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