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Saturday, November 04, 2006
retarded trust frenzy

I can't believe

err ok I can't believe, with dismay

that governments get in trouble, not when they do terrible things, but when they do completely reasonable things

Income Trusts

They're not called CAPITAL GAINS Trusts, are they?

People are idiots.

Something else to consider is that distributions in the post-2011 trust world will be taxed more lightly than they are now. Most trust payouts are currently taxed as income, but after 2011 they'll be treated as dividends and thus benefit from the soon-to-be-improved dividend tax credit. According to Mr. Levant, the trust analyst, people who own trusts in non-registered accounts could end up with the same after-tax income from trusts after 2011 as they have now. Those who hold trusts in registered accounts will likely face reduced distributions, however.

One last thing to consider if you're of a mind to make a clean break with income trusts is that nothing has changed in the near term in terms of receiving cash every month or quarter. “It's not like trusts are disappearing — they're going to be around for another four years,” CIBC's Mr. Rubin said. “There are a lot of distributions still to be paid.”

Globe and Mail - It's too early to throw in the towel on trusts - November 4, 2006