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Friday, March 17, 2006
the mysterious mind of apple

* You did a bunch of stuff in AppleWorks? Too bad. No more AppleWorks. Only iWork. Which is Keynote and Pages. Um, spreadsheet? Hello? Word processor?

* It does come with Zinio.
Which is some kinda magazine text digital download thing.
Um. who ordered that?

* It DOES NOT come with StuffIt Expander.
Allume StuffIt Expander doesn't come with Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger.

But Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger lets you compress and decompress archive (.zip) files that work with both Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows.

Apple Support - Mac OS X 10.4: Where is StuffIt Expander?

I guess they were tired of paying the StuffIt tax, but dudes, um, everything on the net for the Mac is StuffIt compressed?

* It comes with OmniGraffle. Which is some kinda diagramming thing.

* Plus which, Grapher, the super-nifty equation visualizer thingy, it's in Utilities? With all the system admin tools? WTF?

Very odd choices.