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Saturday, July 30, 2005
bg 2.3

Watched yesterday's Battlestar. Ooh. So good.

In case you're wondering, "does the survivor count change?" the answer is

47,862 - episode 2x03
47,874 - episode 2x02

I also like that they are using the UK theme music and have eliminated (at least in the copies I'm watching) the preview thing that I hated.

Plus which one plot thread has been closed.

So I have nothing to complain about.

Count should be 47,861 for 2x04?


bg 2.02

Watched last week's Galactica.
Still good. Still too many plot lines.

Apparently Starbuck listens to Philip Glass, who would have guessed?
I have that CD.


Friday, July 29, 2005
reading old boks

I finished At the Back of the North Wind.

As usual I read the book, but you can get the e-text from Gutenberg.

It's an odd sort of gloomy morality tale.

Wedding Crashers

Went to see Wedding Crashers. It is very funny.
I like Owen Wilson.
(I don't so much find Will Ferrel or Ben Stiller funny, but Ben isn't in this, and Will only at the end.)

I thought Owen Wilson was like 25, but he's actually 36.

They actually made a point of that in this movie.
Owen: I'm a young guy, I'm out there having fun.
Girl: You're not that young.

Wil Wheaton is 33 today according to IMDB.

Nova Scotia report

You know, the Internet is pretty cool.
I saw a postcard I liked but I didn't buy it.
All I could remember about it was

bateman thistle "nova scotia"

and hey presto (well, with a few clicks)...

Skye and Bales by Alan Bateman from Thistle Dance Publishing

It was a sort of giant whirlwind thunderstorm rainstorm last night.
If this is the effect from Franklin just passing by, I can't imagine what it would have been like if there had been landfall.

Went to the AGNS.
They had an exhibit by April Gornik.
She is very good. I love her grassland type paintings. She is also incredibly skilled with charcoal drawings.