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Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Ottawa city rant

Property tax hikes to hit residents of trendy urban core
Homeowners in Ottawa's urban core face a hefty tax hike next year, while those in suburban and outlying areas could possibly see a drop in their property taxes, in light of new property assessments mailed out this week.

Well, that seems fair.
Mine went up 12.9%.

You know what I find interesting?
Copenhagen, with a population of 500,000 core and 1.1
million extended, has
- bus system
- downtown train system
- subway
- bicycle lanes everywhere, with thousands of people
using them
- pedestrianized streets downtown
- everything within walking distance anyway

while Ottawa has
- bus system
- diesel train running a short route that council
- some bicycle lanes, with not so many people using
- Sparks Street, somewhat failed pedestrian street
- crazy-ass aboveground electrical train scheme scam

I like this concept of "the new downtown".
Having screwed up the real downtown, they have now
decided the downtown is in Le Breton tar ponds or
or basically anywhere outside the city core.

I also like this "if you build it, they will come"
commuter transit idea. "Let's build inaccessible
things, so we'll have to have transit to get there."

Councillor, MP back LeBreton for museum
Science museum in prime spot would hasten establishment of commuter rail, Holmes says

Not so fast on new library

I have a crazy idea. Why not build a central library... in the f-ing centre.

In the giant beautiful train station they closed down, for example.

They have a perfectly good report recommending they
spend a $300 million on a new library but oh no, we're
poor, we'd rather do some cr-ppy-a** public-private
baloney partnership that gets us some ugly tiny
building thirty minutes from downtown that ends up
costing $500 million.

Oh but wait, the great minds in council did bless us
with the giant f-ing greg borg cube luxury condos next
to the Chateau Laurier. That's a good use of prime
downtown land.

Actually, to call it a borg cube insults the borg, who
have more interesting detail on their cubes.

city council = wankers

That's it, I'm going to Europe.