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Sunday, August 21, 2005
what countries show up in the news

I have to express my perpetual amazement that Israel shows up in the news every single day. That is one teeny tiny country. Even better, the news is about the Gaza Strip and such. Do you know how big the Gaza Strip is? It's like 4 km wide. Seriously. A hijillion billion news stories about a few thousand Israelis (and over a million Palestinians) in a space smaller than some North American / Australian back yards.

Anyway, this rant to get me to a couple of visual displays of world attention to countries, as measured by news reporting:

Vanishing Point
Global Attention Profiles

Vanishing Point via WorldChanging (indirectly).

UPDATE 2005-08-22: Buzztracker is another news visualization thing. They also provide a Dashboard widget. (Isn't it great that both Dashboard and Konfab use "widget", so we can't tell what software is for what platform?)