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Saturday, July 23, 2005

I wouldn't feel too sorry for Bones and Scotty.
If you do the math, they were already half-way through their lives when they started on Trek.
I feel more for Wes, who was just starting out when he got caught up in the whirlwind.

I didn't realize that the Star Trek crews are for the most part, how shall I put it... middle aged.

All actor's actual ages at time of series start according to IMDB.

Star Trek (1966)
Kirk - 35
Spock - 35
Bones - 46
Scotty - 46

Next Generation (1987)
Picard - 47
Ricker - 35
Data - 38
Worf - 35
Dr. Crusher - 38
LaForge - 30
Wes - 15

Deep Space 9 (1993)
Sisko - 45
Odo - 53

Voyager (1995)
Janeway - 40

Enterprise (2001)
Archer - 47
Dr. Phlox - 41
T'Pol - 26