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Saturday, July 23, 2005
the temperature of our discontent

When it's boiling hot out, Clio Godkewitsch sometimes arrives at her office in the Cadillac Fairview tower and turns on the space heater under her desk.


Don't run your dishwasher during the day, authorities advise. Lower the thermostat. Keep your curtains drawn. In all that energy-saving advice, they forgot one thing: Don't switch on that space heater.


In Ottawa, Andrea Girones, a lawyer at a high-tech firm, said she and her colleagues have learned to keep company-issued fleece jackets handy. Yesterday morning, in a freezing board room, Ms. Girones tossed her fleece jacket over her T-shirt and light blue cotton skirt. It didn't exactly match her flip-flops, but she explained, "We're a business-casual building."

Women turn up heat to beat the freeze

"How did you burn up all the earth?" future generations will ask.

Well, when it was hot out, we made it cold inside, we will explain,
err except inside we also had things that were hot,
so we let our appliances fight it out.

"You destroyed the earth so that your appliances could fight?"

Err, yes. Was that not in order?