Manifesto Multilinko
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
10 years of webbing

My main site is at least 10 years old, sometime this year.
I can confirm 1994-12-23 easily, but I don't know how much farther back I can push it than that.

Mosaic came out in late 1993 and I made a USENET posting about Mosaic on 1994-10-05.

Maybe Cam knows.
Together, we managed to get worst website of the day (or some such name) on one of our sites, long ago.

It's funny how it's so easy to lose/forget even relatively recent history.

UPDATE: Cam's pages "Bad Art with help from Richard Akerman" won Mirsky's Worst of the Web on June 4, 1995.

The funny thing is apparently based on our recollection of the Mirsky award, we were both independently inspired to search through the Internet Archive to try to track down more info. It was not easy (there is no full-text search in the archive, for some reason).