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Friday, March 26, 2004

The world of waste.

We have a strange situation in North America.
We have these giant bathrooms,
but we put all our waste disposal in them.

A bathroom really should have a bathtub, sink, shower and bidet.
We never have bidets.

The WC room should have a toilet and a urinal. We never have urinals.
If you want to save water, you should go for the dual-flush toilet plus a low-water or waterless urinal.

Caroma has several dual-flush models.
Other models include the Toto Drake,
the Niagara Flapperless (which I'm not clear that is really a dual-flush), and the
Western Pottery Aris.

(You can also, for reasons that are unclear to me, get Toto Clothing.)

The City of Toronto has City-selected toilets.

Participants in the Toilet Replacement Program must choose from the ... list of toilets to receive an incentive of $60 for a single-flush (6-litre) toilet or $75 for a dual-flush (choice of 6 litre/3 litre flush) toilet.

There is a site Selecting an Ultra Low Flush Toilet (ULFT).

The coolest urinal design was the Mister Miser. It was unfortunately I think only in plastic, but in any case, it had a simple flip-out, in-wall design, so it took up basically zero space. It's not clear if they're made anymore. Here's a picture

[Mister Miser]

From Water and Sewage Report.

Basically you close it when it's not in use, and people won't even know what it is.
All other designs seem to be these huge hulking units.

Some other models are:
Caroma Leda (featuring odd new-age background music) is apparently partnered with Sloan Valve.

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