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Friday, March 26, 2004

Incidentally, as I mentioned before, my Drake Equation theory on "where are they?" is that there aren't any aliens because we are all in a simulation; I am a simulationist.

Personally I break it down into three main possibilities:
1. Intelligent, tool-using, exploratory life is so improbable that we are the only one.
You can add 1a. "tends to self-destruct before getting out of solar system" but I don't think you even need to go that far
2. Interdict hypothesis. Much more Star Trek fun but I think extremely improbable.
3. Once people/aliens have big enough computers, which takes let's say 50,000 years, most interesting things happen in simulations. Because amongst other things, space travel takes forever. Since 50,000 years is much shorter than universe time spans of billions of years, it's most likely that you're already in a simulation rather than being in the actual universe.

I don't remember if it was this Slashdot report that convinced me to become a simulationist, but it certainly helped.