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Monday, March 22, 2004

[Canadian] IT security resource to foster cyber threat disclosure

The Cyber Security Resource Centre (CSRC) is designed to foster best practices and encourage Canadian business and government organizations to openly report and share information on cyber incidents (IT security breaches, viruses, worms, etc) to the larger IT community.


The CSRC is a component of CATA Homeland Security Task Force, designed to enhance homeland security by characterizing threats to Canada's information infrastructure. Reid noted the resource should be particularly beneficial to small companies that don't have large engineering teams. CATA also announced the launch of the CATA CanCERT Alliance, which will support the organization as a third party for groups to anonymously share information on cyber-incidents.

I hate this stupid "homeland" thing.
If you want to protect Canada, how about saying CATA Canadian Security Task Force?

In any case,