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Thursday, February 26, 2004

The money situation.
There hasn't been an MS Money Deluxe Canadian version since 2000.
(I run Money 2000 Deluxe Canadian as my main financial program.)

Quicken is not particularly an option as they are evil.
They have set up this scheme of making you pay for online access.

I think the latest versions of Money are now doing the "expiring online access" deal too.

Now, I wouldn't actually mind access fees and upgrade fees,
if they actually upgraded the product.
But what they seem to do every year is add/change the GUI, and slap on some new stuff, introducing new bugs. They seem to have the most enthusiasm for making the interface very busy and filled with ads and irrelevant Internet links.

To me, particularly for a financial app
- the core should change very slowly
- the database should be, or at least every year progress to becoming, 100% stable, indestructable and robust

My main Money 2000 complaint is that the database has some stability problems.

Now, there's also the venerable GnuCash
and lately MoneyDance is getting some attention.

Are there any viable alternatives to Money/Quicken for moderately complex Canadian home finances? (multiple bank accounts, multiple currencies, multiple RRSPs, mortgage, investments etc. I like the ability to automatically download stock and mutual fund quotes online.)

There's one called Kapital but it looks like it is KDE/Linux specific.

In case you're not aware, there are some nuances between US and Canadian finance. For example, Canadian mortgages are calculated differently from US.