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Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Real does their best to bury the link, but you can get their free player from...
The Windows download is about 9.5 MB.

With RealPlayer 10, they have announced an integrated music store. Wonder where they got that idea from...

Today's Macintouch reports

The free version of RealPlayer 10 can play all of the major formats used on the Web, including Real, Windows Media, QuickTime MPEG-4, MP3, as well as the secure versions of these formats used by online music stores. For the first time ever, RealPlayer 10 makes it possible for consumers to use a single media player to play music on their PC purchased from all of the major online music stores.
[...] Powered by the extensive and easy-to-use music directory of the award-winning Rhapsody digital music service, the RealPlayer Music Store is expected to include 400,000 by the end of January 2004 in the highest quality of any download store: 192 Kb/s RealAudio 10 with AAC. Music tracks are priced at $0.99 with most albums at $9.99. For the next 10 days, U.S. consumers who download RealPlayer 10 will be able to purchase their first track for only $0.10.

And before you ask...

We're sorry, [RealNetworks] Music Store downloads are only available to residents of the U.S. and its territories at this time. We hope to have service available in other parts of the world soon. Thanks for your patience.