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Thursday, January 15, 2004

Apparently today is Personal Firewall Day.

Their list of firewalls is actually not that bad. However it really is WINDOWS Personal Firewall Day. They don't have any information for non-Windows platforms.

I have my collection of security software links for Windows, Mac, Linux and beyond at

Apparently the days are more than we can number

the [US] National Cyber Security Alliance, an association of federal agencies and industry groups, which promotes a biannual National Cyber Security Day. That campaign focuses on the first Sunday in April and the last Sunday in October, when people set their clocks to account for daylight-saving time and standard time, respectively. Those days are also promoted by many fire departments as days to check the battery in smoke detectors.

In addition, the educational Computer Security Day, which was launched in 1988, falls on Nov. 30.

from Security firms put up 'Personal Firewall Day'.