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Monday, November 03, 2003

A typical day in San Diego County would show an "air pollution index" of 15-20 micrograms per cubic meter. An unhealthy day would be 40-65 micrograms per cubic meter.

Here's a chart I did in Excel using data from
I used the PM2.5 data from downtown San Diego. Based on these data the worst air quality was on October 26th, when it peaked at about 150 micrograms per cubic metre (ug/m3).
PM2.5 is particles less than or equal to 2.5 microns, measured by mass. Particles that small can't be filtered by your nose or handled by your body, they basically just settle in your lungs.

(image originally at ALT="[San Diego air quality Oct 25-28, 2003]")

Officials Warn Of Very Poor Air Quality

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