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Tuesday, October 28, 2003

[California wildfires]

Here's a bigger version of the above image from the NASA Earth Observatory site, without the cities indicated.

[NASA CA Wildfires image]

Based on the clearest report I saw on TV yesterday, at 3 AM Sunday 26th only 300 acres were burning. Then the dread Santa Ana "Devil Winds" came up. These fast, strong, hot, dry winds blew the fire to a 200,000 acre inferno within hours.

They say it's the worst fires in at least 50 years, other reports say there hasn't been anything this bad since 1935.

I've mostly been watching channel 10 on TV. NBC San Diego is also pretty good.

UPDATE 2003-11-07: In case you're wondering, two hundred thousand acres is about 300 square miles or about 800 square kilometres.

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