Manifesto Multilinko
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Sunday, August 03, 2003

I'm not sure what to do about my images on the net.

Because here's the thing.
People steal my ports page.
They steal it all the time. They take it and they wrap it in some flash layer, they change the email address to point to them, they do all sorts of damn things.
Most of the time, amusingly, they leave the copyright notices I have scattered in HTML comments throughout the page intact. (You can email me if you're interested in current examples.)
No doubt soon my Google AdSense ads will find themselves on someone's stolen copy page too.

So based on this, I have to assume that people steal my photography from the net and pass it off as theirs, all the time. The prospect of that annoys me. I wonder if I should withdraw my photo galleries, or stamp visible notices and invisible watermarks all over them, or what.

In Shutterfly, as far as I can tell, it is impossible to unshare files. There doesn't appear to be any way for me to delete a previously created open share. People can buy copies of the photos, but they can't get big digital versions of them.

In Ofoto, people have to login to view photo shares, which I guess is a kind of control. However, again I don't see any way to unshare photo albums.

On Pbase there is even less control. Probably on Pbase I should have all the images stamped.

Pbase reports:
You have 9 galleries and 161 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 24414 times.
Your photos are using 14 Megabytes of storage space.