Manifesto Multilinko
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Wednesday, August 06, 2003

I want a blog commenting system that
1. is preferably free
2. will email me when there are new posts
3. is hosted remotely

BlogBack Plus is available as a gift to existing users only who donate $5 or more, via PayPal. For every $5 donated you can get access for six months.
BlogBack no longer accepts new members.

backBlogPro one-year-subscription costs $10 (US) via PayPal. Subscriptions are automatically renewed.
backBlogPro will email when there are new posts.

HaloScan will upgrade to premium account including email notifications for a donation of $10 (USD) or more, via PayPal or Paysystems.

Enetnation provides email notifications in the donation version, which is 10 pounds, via some credit card service or PayPal.

Reblogger says it will do email notifications.

YACCS no longer accepts new members.

Computers - Internet - On the Web - Weblogs - Tools - Commenting