Manifesto Multilinko
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Sunday, February 19, 2006
bg 2.16 and 2.17

BG 2.16 was ok.
But why didn't the pro-Cylon people on Cloud 9 come fight with the anti-Cylon people on Cloud 9?

I'm concerned they may have jumped the shark in 2.17, with this science vs religion/abortion unsubtle storyline, plus The Two Adamas.

Am I imagining things, or was there some shark reference in the episode? One of the guys was nicknamed Shark?

possibly more ponderings on this topic later



Savana and Jadeland on Friday,
diner, The Works gourmet burger (in the Glebe) and Pavarozzi gourmet pizza on Saturday.

I am all about the gourmet.

And the not cooking.